If you are searching for Rise of Kingdoms codes for October 2022, you have come to the right place. here you will get the latest Rise of Kingdoms codes, you can redeem these codes to get free gift in your RoK ID.
[op]What is Rise of Kingdoms?
Rise of Kingdoms is a strategic game. in this game at the beginning, you and plenty of other new players start the game and start building your city/town, after that you can join a clan that will help and protect you from the other powerful players in that kingdom. the more you play the more you will get powerful in this game. at the end of the season, one mighty clan will conquer the lost temple and the clan leader will become the king of that kingdom.
If you are very new to Rise of Kingdoms game you should learn the game first, by playing on a very new kingdom. because in a brand new kingdom 90% of players will play this game for the first time and the rest 10% are jumper accounts. remember this game is a very strategic game.
if you don’t follow your leader’s order you might get punished by the King (kingdom king) in the game and in the end, you might be forcefully removed from the kingdom by the king. you can create multiple accounts in different kingdoms.
I have played this game for over 6 months, this game takes a lot of time from your life. you will make new friends in this game, I also saw a few people get into relationships in this game. so before jumping into the game make sure you have enough time to spend in this game.
Rise of Kingdoms Gameplay
[op]Here I am attaching Chisgule gaming youtube video, he is one of the pro Rise of Kingdoms player, you can watch his videos and learn so much about this game.
Why should you use Rise of Kingdoms codes?
If you use Rise of Kingdoms codes in your account you will get free food, wood, stone, gold, speedups, golden keys, and silver keys also sometimes you might get Gems. gems are very important, don’t spend your gems on silly things. Rise of Kingdoms codes gives you a small boost, if you purchase in the game you will get these redeem codes and you can share these code with your in-game friends. You can also use these codes in other kingdom accounts also.
[op]How to get Rise of Kingdoms codes?
You can get Rise of Kingdoms codes by visiting our website regularly. here we provide all active codes in this article, you will get free Rise of Kingdoms codes regularly. so visit this article regularly or bookmark this article to get Rise of Kingdoms redeem codes. to get free Rok Codes check the below section.
[op]Rise of Kingdoms codes October 2022
Rise of Kingdoms codes:
Active codes:
[op]- ROKVIETNAM (Can be used on all kingdoms)
- ROKVICTORY (Can be used on all kingdoms)
Expired codes:
[op]- a2j61b790d
- MXhk0V38aL
- 5Bewu21acn
- Happycny22
- Tw1XpxW9Z2
- AmqDQBeGkd
- HappyNew21
- rokcny8888
- Discord100
- ah9vzgp0mi
- rokpromo21
- q51ajxwdzc
- Fb98l0wrfk
- hpr3BveYL6
- rokhappybd
- L4YtrioGac
- brem4k69u2
- RMerryXmas
- Standbyyou
- TnxGiving
- tricktreat
- tz4gusiwka
- sb96x3baik
- ktjb79nsav
- mwmjwzetgc
- gmwdt3es5p
- jxewhr8rgw
- ipyxvn28mq
- iq9ybsajz2
- ipyxvn28mq
- ipu8g5x598
- cilginturk
- w7r7kf964s
- gmcbc633tn
- z2ikx6ig6e
- gm7qk2k7em
- gmdz63tpvf
- gmz4nm8yv7
How to redeem Rise of Kingdoms codes?
It is a very simple process please check the below step-by-step process to redeem your Rise of Kingdoms codes.
[op]1. Open the Rise of Kingdoms game.
2. Click/Tap on your profile or profile picture.
3. Now find the settings
[op]4. You will see a redeem button there just Click/Tap on that.
5. Now copy one of the codes that you get from our website and paste it into redeeming box.
6. Hit ‘exchange’
Surprised! now enjoy your free gifts.
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